Zevaa Hypoallergenic Earrings Program Details
Program Name:Zevaa Hypoallergenic Earrings
Program URL:http://www.zevaa.com
Program Category:Accessories -> Jewelry
Joined AffiliateBot:2009-12-10
Current Status:Active
Auto Funding:Yes
Payment Terms:Net - 30
Your Relationship:Approved
Program Description:
Zevaa is an online store specializing in stylish hypoallergenic earrings. Each pair of earrings is made from 100% hypoallergenic ear hooks. Eliminates the risk of allergic reactions. Lovely designs to complement your personal beauty and fashion.
Come join our affiliate program and earn high commissions of 15% of the referral sale that you generate of our hypoallergenic earrings.
Audience Description:
Women who wears or wants to wear stylish earrings, even if they have metal sensitivity
Program Keywords:
ear, ring, jewelry, design, fashion, allergic, allergenic, hypo, pair, lovely, beautiful, earrings, earring, nickel, hypoallergenic

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