The Triumphant Child Parenting Book Program Details
Program Name:The Triumphant Child Parenting Book
Program URL:
Program Category:Books/Media -> Books
Joined AffiliateBot:2009-05-19
Current Status:Active
Auto Funding:Yes
Payment Terms:Net - 30
Your Relationship:Approved
Program Description:
Parents who wants the very best for their child need every possible support and guidance to achieve it. The Triumphant Child is an indispensable source, with compiled useful and practical tips, accurate facts and time tested gems of information, from a panel of seasoned experts in the field of pediatric health and development. The book is further supported by parent stories and testimonials.
We welcome affiliates to join our affiliate program, and start earning 10% commissions on all valid referral sales of The Triumphant Child book.
Audience Description:
Parents. Grandparents. Friends of pregnant moms. People who want to buy gifts for parents.
Program Keywords:
book, child, baby, parent, parenting, mom, dad, father, mother, crying

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